I found out that I had severe allergies without even touching peanuts. I was two years old in a mommy-and-me art class where there were a couple of stations with different art projects set up- one of which was a bird feeder made with peanut butter. My mom has always hated the smell of peanut butter so we were doing a project at a different station. But, there was a big bucket of soapy water in the middle of the room, and I would periodically run up and wash my hands in the bucket with everyone else - including those washing peanut butter off of their hands. I ended up with huge welt-like hives all over my face and arms. Luckily, the reaction was minor and my pediatrician knew immediately that this meant I had food allergies.
Hives have always been the very first indicator of a reaction for me. Throughout my entire life, I was painstakingly careful not to touch any surface that someone else could have touched after coming in contact with peanuts (lunch tables, movie theater seats, you name it.) To tell you the truth, the weirdest, scariest moment of this entire study was probably getting peanut butter on my hands for first time.
This was my skin test result before starting the study:
Note: The inner-most circle is the actual hive itself, while the circle drawn around it is the area of redness that surrounds a hive.
And is my most recent skin test result:
In the picture above, peanut protein was tested on the last circle marked "P," while the first is the positive histamine control and second is negative control. I cannot even begin to explain my shock at these results. I literally did not have a hive. Like, at all. The circe drawn merely indicates a relatively small patch of redness that resulted.
This means the skin test came back negative. As for the blood test, I find out the results when I have my next blood test on February 4th.