Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adventurous Meals

Though I love to travel, going on vacation was always daunting, especially when traveling to foreign countries. The best part about experiencing a new culture is trying out the cuisine, and it was something I was rarely able to take part in. 

However, my family recently went to Peru. The trip was incredible, and it was the first time I was able travel without dreading dinner every night. I didn't have to order "safe" items from the menu, or  explain that my food couldn't be cross-contaminated with peanuts in broken Spanish. I ate adventurously, trying everything from guinea pig to a delicacy made with a kind of worm. Without the SAFAR study, I never would have been able to go on this kind of vacation - it would've been far too risky. 

But now, I'm looking forward to my next adventure. 


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